Thursday February 19, 2015 at 10:17am
“Up to Reference” is a new option in the linear pattern feature that allows you to create intelligent patterns.
The “Up to Reference” option allows you to select an edge, vertex or face as a reference to control how many instances will be created at a fixed spacing. An offset from that reference is also available to maintain proper spacing from the end reference. If the location of the reference is moved, the number of instances is recalculated.
“Up to Reference” is a new option in the linear pattern
feature that allows you to create intelligent patterns.
The “Up to Reference” option allows you to select an edge,
vertex or face as a reference to control how many instances will be created at
a fixed spacing. An offset from that reference is also available to maintain
proper spacing from the end reference. If the location of the reference is
moved, the number of instances is recalculated.
Another option is to choose a fixed number of equally spaced
instances without specifying the spacing. If the reference moves the spacing is
adjusted to fit, maintaining the fixed number of instances.
This new capability of the linear pattern feature is a great
time saver and means you no longer need to create equations to achieve the same
By Jon Weston-Stanley

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