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How to Create an Exploded View in SOLIDWORKS | Beginner Tutorial

Tuesday January 21, 2025 at 8:00am

Exploded views are a stylish way to demonstrate the inner workings of your product.

It's easy to create exploded views in SOLIDWORKS, whether you are intending to create technical drawings with them or import the result into SOLIDWORKS Visualize to create perfect renders, this beginner tutorial will help to get you started.

Let's guide you through how to create an exploded view in SOLIDWORKS and then show you how to add those exploded views to a drawing.


  1. What is an Exploded View in SOLIDWORKS?
  2. Where to find Exploded Views in SOLIDWORKS
  3. Creating Your First Exploded View in SOLIDWORKS
  4. 5 Simple Steps to Create an Exploded View in SOLIDWORKS
  5. Exploded Views: Beyond the First Step
  6. Working with Sub-Assemblies in Exploded Views
  7. How to Create a Radial Exploded View in SOLIDWORKS
  8. Move Multiple Parts at Once in Exploded Views
  9. Animating & Exporting Exploded Views in SOLIDWORKS
  10. How to Add Exploded Views to SOLIDWORKS Drawings

What is an Exploded View in SOLIDWORKS?

Exploded views are created by sequentially moving components along a particular direction for a specified distance.

Each 'step' of an exploded view can contain a single movement of one or more components. These steps are then ordered into a sequence of steps to create the exploded view.

Where to find Exploded Views in SOLIDWORKS

Exploded views can be created within SOLIDWORKS assemblies and used within drawings to illustrate different component views.

Multiple exploded views can be created within an assembly, and they can be accessed from the configuration manager and modified by selecting 'Edit Feature' from the right click menu.

You can find the Exploded View command on the Assembly tab of the command manager and click it to create a new exploded view.

Creating Your First Exploded View in SOLIDWORKS

The first thing to do is make sure that you are working in a SOLIDWORKS assembly environment.

This will open the SOLIDWORKS Property Manager where we can organise steps to move each part into position.

Let's explore the Property Manager options for exploded views.

  • Explode Steps - This box will list all of the steps that make up our exploded view.
  • Add a Step - This contains all the options to set up the next step. We can chose between regular or radial steps. The highlighted blue box is where we will pick the part that’s going to be moved in the step.
  • Options - Additional options for how each step will be set up. For the first steps we are going to make, only “show rotation rings” is ticked on.

IMPORTANT – don’t click the green tick or the red cross too soon!
Only click the green tick when you are happy with the entire explode.

5 Simple Steps to Create an Exploded View in SOLIDWORKS

Let's create an exploded view step-by-step by moving one part at a time:

  1. In the graphics area, click on the part you want to move. Notice the orange arrows and rings that appear around it.
  2. Move the part along the axis to your desired distance. As you drag the part, a ruler appears on the screen to indicate the approximate distance the part is being moved.
  3. Drag an arrow to translate the part in the X, Y, or Z direction or rotate a part by clicking and dragging the rings to rotate it about its X, Y, or Z axis.
  4. Once the part has been dropped in position, you can adjust the exact distance in the property manager.
  5. When you are happy with the position. Press the 'Done' button. This adds the first explode step to the box at the top and sets the property manager ready for us to move the next part.

Exploded Views: Beyond the First Step

Now that you've created your first exploded step, the process is largely the same. However, there are a few different types of exploded views and things to look out for!

We'll keep it simple and only move one part per exploded step at a time.

For most parts, we can repeat the same process to create additional steps with the 'Add Step' button. Click each part, drag the orange arrow into position, adjust the value, and press 'Done'.

If you make a mistake at any point, simply use the undo arrow at the top of the property manager to go back and you can repeat the step correctly.

Oh, and unless you want to cancel creating your entire exploded view and lose all progress, you'll want to avoid pressing the red cross at all costs!

Working with Sub-Assemblies in Exploded Views

Okay, so that's how to create a simple exploded view of an assembly with multiple parts. The next component we want to move in our auto-belay device is the magnet subassembly.

As these parts are all mated within a subassembly, when we click either of them, the whole subassembly is selected.

We can explode sub-assemblies within the top-level assembly by ticking the option to 'Select sub-assembly parts' inside the property manager. Now, when one part of the sub-assembly is clicked, it is only that part gets selected.

The rest of the exploded view can then be created by following the same steps as before.

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How to Create a Radial Exploded View in SOLIDWORKS

We don't just have to move parts along a single axis. SOLIDWORKS also lets us explode assemblies around a large circle, keeping the main assembly focused in the centre.

To create a radial exploded view, enter an exploded view and choose the 'Radial Step' option in the property manager.

Then, to move multiple parts the same amount, we just select all the parts within the same step. After that, the process is the same as a regular linear step:

  1. Drag the arrow to move the parts.
  2. This time they translate in a radial direction from the assembly.
  3. As before, adjust the distance in the property manager as needed.
  4. When you are happy with the step, press 'Add Step'.
  5. Press 'Done' to complete the exploded view.
Move Multiple Parts at Once in Exploded Views

Moving each part one at a time into position, is straightforward but can be time consuming.

Instead, we can tick the 'Auto-Space' option in the property manager and use the slider to control the distance by which the parts will spread out.

Only then will we select the parts to explode. Do note that the order we move parts in is important, and the part that will move the furthest should be selected first.

Move each part as before by dragging the arrow in your chosen direction. This time, all the parts move at the same time, but they will move by different amounts, as dictated by their order of selection.

Once the parts have been initially dragged, the position of each part can be adjusted using the pink arrows.

As always, when you are happy with each step, press 'Done'. With all the steps set up, go ahead and press the green tick to create your exploded view!

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Animating & Exporting Exploded Views in SOLIDWORKS

To animate an exploded view, we need to find the view in our Feature Tree via the configuration manager tab.

Exploded views are created as a derived configurations within SOLIDWORKS assemblies. Configurations are used to display different part sizes, views, or colour variations within a single file by suppressing and altering dimensions and features.

To learn more about using configurations and to prepare for SOLIDWORKS Certification exams, consider booking onto our SOLIDWORKS Essentials training course and attend online or in a classroom near you.

Double click on a view in the tree to activate or deactivate it, and we can right-click on an exploded view to open the menu.

Choosing to 'Animate Explode/Collapse' will animate the motion prescribed by the exploded view, which can be exported as a video in a variety of standard formats.

Steps can be modified by clicking the step you want to adjust, altering the direction or distance, and pressing 'Done'.

You can also change the order of the steps by dragging and dropping them, exactly like rearranging features in the tree!

The rollback bar or clock buttons can be used to go backwards and forwards through the steps to help with inserting any missed or extra steps.

How to Add Exploded Views to SOLIDWORKS Drawings

When creating a drawing of the assembly which contains an exploded view, you will see 'Isometric Exploded' as a standard view in the View Pallete ready to be dragged and dropped onto your drawing sheet.

Exploded views can be shown from any angle, annotated, and interacted with as if they were a default view - it's just a configuration after all!

To show a view in an exploded state, add a view in the usual way or select an existing drawing view. In the property manager, tick the box to 'Show in exploded or model break state'.

Your view will update to show the model in its exploded state.

Take the Next Steps

Master SOLIDWORKS with expert-led courses that help you boost your skills and confidence. You can attend online or in a classroom near you!

Choose from a huge range of professional SOLIDWORKS and CATIA training courses and save on multiple courses with a Training Passport.

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