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Using (IFR) and Creating Your Own Strategies

Friday September 7, 2018 at 2:12pm
Automatic feature recognition (AFR) is a powerful tool that picks up feature types and assigns them with strategies from the Tech DB. Interactive feature recognition (IFR) allows you to create your own 2.5 axis features one by one allowing complete control of geometry selection. The strategy that has been selected for a feature defines what operations are created when ‘generate operation plan’ is actioned. You can create your own strategies by creating ‘2.5 axis milling operations’ then saving these strategies back to the Tech DB so that they can be used next time as a strategy. It is also possible to edit current strategies and save then via the use of ‘save operation plan’ creating new strategies or saving over old ones.
Automatic feature recognition (AFR) is a powerful tool that picks up feature types and assigns them with strategies from the Tech DB. Interactive feature recognition (IFR) allows you to create your own 2.5 axis features one by one allowing complete control of geometry selection. The strategy that has been selected for a feature defines what operations are created when ‘generate operation plan’ is actioned. You can create your own strategies by creating ‘2.5 axis milling operations’ then saving these strategies back to the Tech DB so that they can be used next time as a strategy. It is also possible to edit current strategies and save then via the use of ‘save operation plan’ creating new strategies or saving over old ones.

View the Video here

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 Solid Solutions | Trimech Group
